Montgomery County Council President Roger Berliner met with the media for his final weekly press conference on the 6th floor of the Council Office Building on Dec. 3. Berliner, who met with Congressman Chris Van Hollen earlier in the day, began with an update on “the fiscal cliff” and then moved to Pepco’s recent rate […]
Sequestration Status (Video)
“21 This Week” host, Casey Aiken asks panelists Steve Kreseski, Cynthia Rubenstein and Jerry Cave about the looming fiscal cliff and the immediate issue of sequestration on Maryland. The panel answers the question: “How real is the threat?”
“No One Wants Sequestration” (Video)
At his October 1st press conference, Montgomery County Council President Roger Berliner talks about the looming possibility sequestration on Montgomery County and the county’s ability to absorb the negative impact of sequestration.
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