
May 6, 2014 | Staff Writer

photo of Julie Sapper, Co-founder Run Farther and Faster

Do You Really Need a Running Coach?

In this MyMCMedia extra, find out how a running coach can improve your training. Find out more about Run Faster and Farther training groups here. Related:

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June 21, 2013 | Sonya Burke

Bear Spotted in Gaithersburg (Video)

For a few days in late June, the talk of the town was news that a black bear was spotted in the Gaithersburg area. The bear was photographed running down a street in Kentlands, spotted in the backyard of some West Riding homeowners and was even videotaped on the back deck of another Gaithersburg resident. […]

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November 30, 2012 | Staff Writer

Doug Duncan Comeback? (Photos)

Rockville resident Doug Duncan is reportedly planning a run for his former position as Montgomery County Executive in 2014. We’ve reached out to Duncan for an interview about these recent reports but so far no response. We last saw Duncan on election night at John Delaney’s victory party for the 6th District Congressional seat. Take […]

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