Robin Uncapher

April 21, 2018 | Staff Writer

21 This Week: Deportation Legal Representation; Challenge to Census Question on Immigration Status

Susan Heltemes is the guest host for the latest episode of 21 This Week. On this week’s show. Heltemes and the panel discuss the County Council’s proposal to appropriate funds to assist residents facing deportation, the state of Maryland challenges immigration status question on the census, and primary candidates are asked to release their tax returns. This […]

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May 22, 2017 | Staff Writer

21 This Week Talk School Bus Camera Program, Political Endorsements (VIDEO)

Susan Heltemes fills in for Casey Aiken as host for the latest episode of 21 This Week. On this week’s show, the panel discuss an alarming report on the number of drivers who illegally pass stopped school buses, a petition to limit early endorsements in Maryland Democratic gubernatorial party, and President Trump’s first international trip. This week’s […]

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April 23, 2017 | Staff Writer

21 This Week Panel Discuss Trump’s First 100 Days, Rapist’ Parental Rights in Maryland (VIDEO)

Susan Heltemes is the guest host for the latest episode of 21 This Week. On this week’s show, Heltemes and the panel discuss President Donald Trump’s first 100 days in office, legislation to repeal parental rights of rapists in Maryland, and more. This week’s panel of political observers includes Luiz Simmons, Robin Uncapher, Bill Askinazi, and John Hurson. You can […]

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October 3, 2016 | Staff Writer

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“21 This Week” Topics Include the Presidential Debate, Maryland Voting System, Fracking Regulations and the Purple Line (VIDEO)

Casey Aiken hosts the latest episode of “21 This Week.” Aiken and the panel discuss the first presidential debate, the safety of the Maryland online voting system, Maryland fracking regulations, and the Purple Line transit project. This week’s panel of political observers includes Rich Parsons, Phil Bell, Robin Uncapher, and Susan Heltemes. You can watch the show in its […]

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July 24, 2016 | Staff Writer

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“21 This Week” Talks RNC, DNC and Racial Tensions (VIDEO)

Casey Aiken hosts the latest episode of “21 This Week.” Aiken and the panel discuss results of the Republican National Convention, a preview of the Democratic National Convention, and racial tensions in the county. This week’s panel of political observers includes Rich Parsons, Jerry Cave, Robin Uncapher, and Cynthia Rubenstein. You can watch the show in its entirety, […]

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May 2, 2016 | Staff Writer

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“21 This Week” Talks Primary Election Results and Freddie Gray Legacy (VIDEO)

Casey Aiken hosts the latest episode of “21 This Week.”  Aiken and the panel review the primary election results and discuss the impact Freddie Gray’s death had on Baltimore, a year later. This week’s panel of political observers includes Jerry Cave, Elbridge James, Robin Uncapher, and Susan Heltemes. You can watch the show in its entirety, […]

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April 23, 2016 | Staff Writer

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“21 This Week” April 26 Primary Election Preview (VIDEO)

Casey Aiken hosts the latest episode of “21 This Week.”  Aiken and the panel discuss the April 26th primary election in Maryland with a focus on the U.S. Senate, 8th Congressional District and Board of Education races. This week’s panel of political observers includes John Hurson, Phil Bell, Robin Uncapher, and Susan Heltemes. You can watch […]

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March 7, 2016 | Staff Writer

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“21 This Week” Covers Maya Angelou Controversy and More (VIDEO)

Susan Heltemes is the guest host for the latest episode of “21 This Week.”  Heltemes and the panel discuss the controversy over naming a Winston-Salem post office after Maya Angelou and a review of results from Super Tuesday. This week’s panel of political observers includes Susan Hoffman, Laurie Halverson, Robin Uncapher and Henry Hailstock. You […]

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January 18, 2016 | Staff Writer

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Watch the Latest “21 This Week” (VIDEO)

Casey Aiken hosts the latest episode of “21 This Week.” Aiken and the panel discuss issues of interest in the current Maryland General Assembly session, gang activity in the county, and President Obama’s State of the Union address. This week’s panel of political observers includes Henry Hailstock, Phil Bell, Robin Uncapher, and Elbridge James. You can […]

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December 8, 2015 | Staff Writer

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Watch the Latest “21 This Week” (VIDEO)

Casey Aiken hosts the latest episode of “21 This Week.” Topics discussed include the senate race to replace Barbara Mikulski, a recent Baltimore Sun report on a trend upward in the number of undocumented children reaching the country’s Southwestern border, Governor Larry Hogan’s approval rating and the Bladensburg World War I Veterans Memorial cross. This week’s panel […]

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