Local weather reports have indicated the possibility of a significant snowfall beginning early Thursday morning, Feb. 18. The City of Gaithersburg is preparing for snow clearing operations and is asking residents to make preparations now, especially moving cars from roadways so that snow removal can be done as efficiently as possible. Gaithersburg City Manager Tanisha […]
Rockville Declares Snow Emergency Wednesday
Parking Restrictions Take Effect at 10 p.m. Wednesday The City of Rockville has declared a snow emergency that begins Wednesday, Feb. 17 that begins at 10 p.m. The emergency declaration requires all vehicles must be removed from roads within the city, including neighborhood streets by 10 p.m. Wednesday. In order for city crews to safely […]
Rockville Declares Snow Emergency Ahead of Storm
The City of Rockville has declared a snow emergency for Wednesday requiring all vehicles to be removed from city roads, including neighborhood streets. The emergency takes effect at 9 a.m. In order for city crews to safely and efficiently clear snow from streets, all vehicles should be parked in garages and driveways whenever possible. If […]
Hogan’s Executive Order Defines ‘Non-Essential Work’
On March 23, Governor Larry Hogan signed another executive order aimed at banning large crowds and closing all non-essential businesses. The new executive order closes senior centers, theaters and malls. The executive order also closes fitness centers, which include health clubs, gyms, health spas, and aquatic centers. The order goes on to close bingo halls, […]
Takoma Park Restricts Playground Equipment Usage
Due to the coronavirus (COVID-19) health emergency, the City of Takoma Park is taking caution by restricting the usage of playground equipment. A post on the City Manager’s blog said: “Unfortunately, the City of Takoma Park is not able to ensure that the surfaces can be kept sanitized nor keep children from playing closely together […]
Rockville Readies for Winter Weather (VIDEO)
Rockville parks and public works crews are readying for winter weather on local roads and sidewalks. Find out more in this report, below: https://youtu.be/wgRj9VrqNnI
Behind the Scenes at the Rockville Water Treatment Plant (VIDEO)
Rock 11 Now’s Kathy Dantzler recently toured the Rockville Water Treatment plant. Watch her report, below: Visit our PEG partner Rock 11 Now to view more of its programming.
PEPCO Keeps the Lights on During Record Blizzard (PHOTO)
Montgomery County experienced record snow fall totals thanks to the Blizzard of 2016. Many residents may recall the storms of 2010 and 2011 when hundreds of thousands in the region lost power for days. This year, things were a bit different with only a few thousands residents losing power during the storm. PEPCO Communications Director […]
Rockville Declares a Snow Emergency Friday
The City of Rockville declared a snow emergency today at noon requiring all vehicles to be removed from city roads, including neighborhood streets. In order for city crews to safely and efficiently clear snow from streets, all vehicles should be parked in garages and driveways whenever possible. If this is not possible, cars should be […]
City Manager of Takoma Park Urges Residents to Prepare for Storm
Takoma Park City Manager Suzanne Ludlow is urging residents to prepare for this weekends winter weather. “The storm will be here soon. Please take these last few hours to move your cars off the road if possible, get any remaining medicines, food and supplies you need, and prepare to stay inside until Sunday,” Ludlow said […]
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