Montgomery County Executive Ike Leggett today announced the latest County initiative to continue support for the County’s innovation economy. The MOVE (Make Office Vacancies Extinct) Program is designed to attract life sciences, IT, cybersecurity and green technology businesses to Montgomery County. These are the technology-based sectors critical to the County’s economic future. “MOVE is an […]
Meet “The Workplace Gripe Guy”
Sandra from Rockville writes: “Dear Workplace Gripe Guy, I am sick to death of women being passed over for opportunity in my company. I’ve been trying to break into sales for four years, but every time, the jobs go to one of “the boys” and there’s always a “good reason” – it’s never because I’m […]
Gaithersburg Matching Grant Program
Eighteen neighborhood and homeowner associations were awarded a total of $68,190 in matching grant funds from the city of Gaithersburg’s Frederick J. Felton Neighborhood Matching Grant Program. The program provides an incentive for neighborhood organizations to improve their communities by awarding matching grants of up to $5,000. According to city officials, $60,000 was budgeted for […]
CountyStat Receives Award for Excellence
The CountyStat program that Montgomery County Executive Isiah Leggett instituted in January 2008 — to increase government performance and hold those responsible accountable for the results — has just received a Certificate of Excellence from the International City/County Management Association’s (ICMA) Center for Performance Measurement. According to the ICMA, recognition for superior performance management efforts […]
Bikeshare Contract Signed
Montgomery County’s Department of Transportation (MCDOT) signed a contract on April 24 with Alta Bicycle Share to bring the popular Capital Bikeshare program to Montgomery County. The contract provides for equipment purchase and operating costs in two areas of the county. About 20 bike stations with 200 bikes will be installed in the Rockville and […]
City Launches Whistleblower Program
The city of Gaithersburg announced today that it has launched a reporting program for its recently-adopted “Reporting of Improper or Illegal Acts” legislation, also known as the Whistleblower Ordinance. City officials adopted the ordinance to provide a safe and confidential environment for employees and other individuals to make good faith reports of improper or illegal […]
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