It’s Academic, the high school quiz show which started in 1961 on NBC4 in Washington D.C., is recognized as the world’s longest-running TV quiz show. This year, the popular show is celebrating a 50-year partnership with Giant Foods. The Montgomery County recognized the partnership on Oct. 4th by issuing a proclamation. “It’s just amazing that […]
County Councilmembers Celebrate Asbury Methodist Village 90th Anniversary with Proclamation (PHOTOS)
Montgomery County Councilmembers George Leventhal and Sidney Katz presented Asbury Methodist Village with a proclamation in honor of its 90th Anniversary on Monday. “Councilmember Sidney Katz and I presented a proclamation to Asbury Methodist Village on its 90th anniversary, providing an excellent quality to life to its senior citizen residents in Gaithersburg,” Leventhal wrote in […]
Five Things to Know Today, April 14, in Montgomery County
Here are five things to know today, April 14, in Montgomery County: 1. The National Weather Service has issued a frost advisory for parts of Montgomery County until 9 a.m. Temperatures are expected to dip to the mid 30’s. 2. Primary Election early voting starts today until April 21st in Maryland. Former President Bill Clinton held a […]
Five Things to Know Today, April 13, in Montgomery County
Here are five things to know today, April 13, in Montgomery County: 1. It’s National Scrabble Day. Montgomery Parks invites County residents to stop by Elm Street Urban Park, Woodside Urban Park or Fairview Urban Park between 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. to play a game of Scrabble. 2. Once Upon a Prom is scheduled to host […]
Five Things to Know Today, April 12, in Montgomery County
Remember to grab an umbrella on your way out today, rain is in the forecast. Here are five more things to know today, April 12, in Montgomery County: 1. The Montgomery County Council is meeting today and on the agenda: Proclamation recognizing Day in the Life of Montgomery County by Council President Floreen. The Council is […]
President Obama Orders Flags to Half Staff to Honor Brussels Victims
President Barack Obama has ordered flags to half staff from now thru Saturday to honor the victims in the Brussels attacks. “The American people stand with the people of Brussels,” President Obama said in a proclamation. “We will do whatever it takes, working with nations and peoples around the world, to bring the perpetrators of […]
Gaithersburg Hosts Powwow (VIDEO)
The city of Gaithersburg partnered with the Indian Health Service Employee Association (IHS EA) to host the 4th annual American Indian and Alaska Native Heritage Month Social Powwow at the Activity Center at Bohrer Park on Nov. 14th. This family -friendly event, included traditional songs and dances, games, storytelling, a hand-drum singing competition and more. […]
County Council Honors Intel Science Winner Michael Winer (VIDEO)
The Montgomery County Council honored Intel Science Talent winner Michael Winer this week. You can watch the presentation here: For more on Michael and his award, visit here.
Giuseppis Celebrates 25 Years (VIDEO)
Montgomery County Councilmember Sidney Katz and Rockville Mayor Bridget Newton helped celebrate the 25th anniversary of Rockville-based Giuseppi’s Pizza Plus on April 13. Sheriff Darren Popkin was at the ceremony as well. Take a look:
Five Things to Know Today, April 1, in Montgomery County
Good morning! We are counting down to our “Day in the Life of Montgomery County” event and want YOU to participate. It’s just 21 days away. Here are your five things to know today, April 1, in Montgomery County: 1. This month is Autism Awareness month. See how Project Lifesaver is working to help those with […]
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