Prior to COVID-19, many adults went to a physical location for work while their children went to school. Thus, aside from parents of young children too little to attend school or those whose jobs or other obligations impeded their ability to be home in the evenings or on weekend, there was likely less emotional pull […]
BLOG: Navigating Remote Learning During COVID-19
The Covid 19 epidemic has rapidly altered the daily routine of the majority of Americans as well as others across a large part of the world. Montgomery County and the D.C. area as a whole is no different. One of the major changes in daily life for children, teens, and their parents, is the transition […]
BLOG: Transitioning from Helicopter Parent to Air Traffic Controller Parenting Style
The term helicopter parent has been around for quite awhile with the current generation of children, teens, and young adults. Essentially, it refers to parents who micromanage their children in most aspects of their life. Parents do this for different reasons or a combination of them. Some do it because their children or teens have […]
Navigating Sibling Conflicts During the Teen Years
Sibling rivalry or conflict is not anything new. When kids are young, it is very common for them to have conflicts with their siblings. At that age, it is often about insignificant things (i.e., he touched me, he looked at me funny). As children transition into the adolescent years, this type of sibling conflict often […]
Why Do Executive Functioning Skills Seem So Complicated for My Teen?
Executive functioning skills refer to the basic processes used to complete tasks and essentially navigate life on a daily basis. These abilities encompass attention, working memory, task initiation, self-awareness, monitoring completion of tasks, time management, physical organization skills, and a variety of other items as well. One can think of executive functioning as the control […]
How to Help Your Teen Prepare for Finals
With finals just a few weeks or less away for many middle school and high school students in the area, many parents wonder how their children and teens should prepare. Every person is different in terms of how far in advance they need to study, for how much time, and so forth. Nonetheless, the following […]
Setting Up the Optimal Homework Completion Environment
As an adult, you probably have your office, whether it be a home office or one at your job, setup in a manner conducive to how you work best. Thus, you might have your computer in the middle of the desk, a docking station with extra screen, ample room to lay out papers on the […]
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