Watch a video preview of the next episode of 21 This Week, below: 21 This Week airs on Montgomery Channel 21 on Sundays at 11 a.m. and again at 7 p.m.; Mondays at noon and again at 8 p.m.; Tuesdays at 12:30 p.m. and again at 7:30 p.m.
21 This Week: Negative COVID Consequences for Young Adults
Casey Aiken and his panel of political observers discuss the negative effects of social distancing on young adults in this segment of the latest episode of 21 This Week. Aiken is joined by Sam Statland, Mark Uncapher, Nicolee Ambrose and Mike Knapp. You can watch their discussion on the negative impacts of COVID-19 on youth […]
21 This Week: Year End Predictions for the New Year
Casey Aiken and his panel of political observers take a look back at the year and make predictions for 2021 in this segment of the latest episode of 21 This Week. Aiken is joined by Sam Statland, Mark Uncapher, Nicolee Ambrose, and Mike Knapp. You can watch their discussion below: “21 This Week” airs on […]
21 This Week: Impact of Dining Restrictions on COVID Spread?
Casey Aiken hosts the latest episode of 21 This Week. On this week’s show, Aiken and the panel discuss: Impact of closing indoor dining in restaurants on the spread of COVID-19 in the county. The panel makes their year-end predictions for 2021. The panel and Aiken take their parting shots. This week’s panel of political […]
21 This Week Preview
Watch a video preview of the next episode of 21 This Week, below: 21 This Week airs on Montgomery Channel 21 on Sundays at 11 a.m. and again at 7 p.m.; Mondays at noon and again at 8 p.m.; Tuesdays at 12:30 p.m. and again at 7:30 p.m.
21 This Week: Housing and Racial Equity in Montgomery County
Casey Aiken and his panel of political observers discuss County Council bills introduced that address racial equity and social justice in housing in this segment of the latest episode of 21 This Week. Aiken is joined by Sam Statland, Mark Uncapher, Laurie Halverson, and Susan Heltemes. You can watch their discussion on housing and racial […]
21 This Week: Reopening Montgomery County Schools
Casey Aiken and his panel of political observers discuss reopening county schools in this segment of the latest episode of 21 This Week. Aiken is joined by Sam Statland, Mark Uncapher, Laurie Halverson, and Susan Heltemes. You can watch their discussion on reopening county schools below: “21 This Week” airs on Channel 21 on Sundays […]
21 This Week: More COVID Closures?
Casey Aiken and his panel of political observers discuss indoor dining coronavirus restrictions in this segment of the latest episode of 21 This Week. Aiken is joined by Sam Statland, Mark Uncapher, Laurie Halverson, and Susan Heltemes. You can watch their discussion on coronavirus restrictions below: “21 This Week” airs on Channel 21 on Sundays […]
21 This Week: Montgomery County Set to Close Indoor Dining
Casey Aiken hosts the latest episode of 21 This Week. On this week’s show, Aiken and the panel discuss: County Executive Elrich orders new restrictions on restaurants, stores and religious services. Maryland Superintendent of Schools believes schools may reopen safely. Is the County Council too progressive for Montgomery County? This week’s panel of political observers […]
21 This Week Preview
Watch a video preview of the next episode of 21 This Week, below: 21 This Week airs on Montgomery Channel 21 on Sundays at 11 a.m. and again at 7 p.m.; Mondays at noon and again at 8 p.m.; Tuesdays at 12:30 p.m. and again at 7:30 p.m.
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