Pix of the Day

April 2, 2013 | Staff Writer

photo sunset

Pix of the Day (Photo)

Our “Pix of the Day” captures a sunset in Germantown submitted by Natalie Aksel’rod.

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March 30, 2013 | Staff Writer

photo of spring flowers

Pix of the Day (Photo)

Our “Pix of the Day” captures the spring flowers available at a local grocery store.

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March 29, 2013 | Staff Writer

photo at RVFD cleaning equipment

Pix of the Day (Photo)

Our “Pix of the Day” is of the fire and rescue equipment getting a spring cleaning at the Rockville Volunteer Fire Department.

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March 23, 2013 | Sonya Burke

Pix of the Day: Hula Hoops (Photos & Video)

Dozens of people were having a ball hula hooping in Kentlands on March 23 as Whole Foods Market set out to break a world record for the most people hula hooping. As you can see from these photos and video: There were some people who really knew how to move too. Take a look. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xVedstZgND4 […]

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March 22, 2013 | Staff Writer

Pix of the Day (Photo)

Our “Pix of the Day” is of Susan Kennedy and Mike Springirth of County Cable Montgomery. The CCM crew covered a story on Capitol Hill this week which recognized Montgomery County as “One of America’s Best Intergenerational Communities.”

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