
November 12, 2020 | Charles Nyonga

Avoiding Scams During the Holidays

Montgomery County Office of Consumer Protection (OCP) wants residents to be wary during the holidays of suspicious phone calls and emails. Phishing, smishing, and vishing are terms consumers must familiarize themselves with regarding identity protection. These scams may appear to be from legit companies offering customers special deals, but they are trying to collect personal […]

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January 29, 2016 | Staff Writer

Police Investigate Threatening Emails Sent to Nonprofit Organizations

The Montgomery County Police Department is investigating two incidents that occurred within the last week which involve threatening emails being sent to nonprofit organizations. The emails, sent to specific members of the organizations, state that if the recipient does not transfer a specified amount of money via the online payment system, Bitcoin, by a specified […]

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July 20, 2015 | Sonya Burke

FTC Expert Provides Identity Theft Tips (VIDEO)

In this MyMCMedia Extra video, Lisa Schifferle of the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) tells a standing room only crowd in Germantown that the agency’s main mission is to prevent identity theft and fraud. During her short presentation, she provided some valuable information about identity theft to residents, many of them federal employees who are concerned […]

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April 18, 2013 | Staff Writer

Office of Consumer Protection Logo

Beware Recent Local Phishing Activity (Video)

The Montgomery County Office of Consumer Protection (OCP) recently received a National Fraud Information Center alert about phishing activity in our area. A Montgomery County resident was contacted by an individual claiming to work for Dish Network. The person offered the resident a promotion where, if the customer prepaid for six months of service, he […]

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