Casey Aiken hosts the latest episode of 21 This Week. On this week’s show, Aiken and the panel discus three bills under consideration by the County Council, Baltimore’s high murder rate, decision by historic Alexandria church to remove plaques honoring Washington and Lee, and Virginia’s gubernatorial race. This week’s panel of political observers includes Elbridge James, […]
21 This Week: Maryland Sues EPA, NFL Anthem Protests (VIDEO)
Casey Aiken hosts the latest episode of 21 This Week. On this week’s show, Aiken and the panel discuss the upcoming County Executive race, Maryland lawsuit against the U.S. Environmental Protection over power plant emissions, recent controversy over NFL players kneeling during the playing of the National Anthem, the proposed Federal tax cut, and more. This […]
21 This Week: Career Readiness of MCPS Graduates, Violence in Charlottesville (VIDEO)
Casey Aiken hosts the latest episode of 21 This Week. On this week’s show, Aiken and the panel discuss whether the effectiveness of the public schools in preparing students for careers, whether Trump will work with Democrats to legalize ‘dreamers’, and the long-term implications of the August 12 protests in Charlottesville that turned violent, and more. […]
21 This Week: Traffic Congestion, Maryland Gubernatorial Election (VIDEO)
Casey Aiken hosts the latest episode of 21 This Week. On this week’s show, Aiken and the panel discuss traffic congestion and the potential second Potomac River crossing, the politics of the upcoming Gubernatorial election, and more. This week’s panel of political observers includes Sam Statland, Mark Uncapher, Phil Bell, and Rich Parsons. You can watch the […]
21 This Week: Campaign Financing, Double Homicide in Montgomery Village (VIDEO)
Casey Aiken hosts the latest episode of 21 This Week. On this week’s show, Aiken and the panel discuss campaign financing in the county, the double homicide in Montgomery Village, and fired FBI director James Comey’s Senate testimony. This week’s panel of political observers includes William Askinazi, Cynthia Rubenstein, Susan Heltemes, and Phil Bell. You can watch the show in its […]
21 This Week Panelists Discuss Trump Immigration Ban, the Governor’s Race (VIDEO)
Casey Aiken hosts the latest episode of 21 This Week. On this week’s show, Aiken and panelists discuss the Trump immigration ban, the negative impact of the Trump budget on the Washington region, the races for Maryland Governor and Montgomery County Executive and more. This week’s panel of political observers includes Elbridge James, Susan Heltemes, Jerry Cave, […]
“21 This Week” Topics: Hogan’s State Address, Legalization of Marijuana (VIDEO)
Casey Aiken hosts the latest episode of 21 This Week. Aiken and panelists discuss Governor Hogan’s address on the state of Maryland, possible legislation to make Maryland a sanctuary state, marijuana legalization in Maryland, and potential increases in electric bills. This week’s panel of political observers includes Henry Hailstock, Phil Bell, Nicolee Ambrose, and John Hurson. You […]
“21 This Week” Topics: Minimum Wage Legislation, General Assembly (VIDEO)
Casey Aiken hosts the latest episode of 21 This Week. Aiken and panelists discuss the minimum wage legislation passed by the County Council, the Maryland General Assembly, and more. This week’s panel of political observers includes Henry Hailstock, Phil Bell, William Askinazi, and Susan Heltemes. You can watch the show in its entirety, below: “21 This Week” airs on Channel 21 […]
“21 This Week” Talk Election Recounts, Fossil Fuel Divestment Bill and Liquor Control in Montgomery County (VIDEO)
Casey Aiken hosts the latest episode of 21 This Week. Aiken and panelists discuss proposed changes to county liquor control, the fossil fuel divestment bill (Bill 44-16) under consideration by the County Council, and presidential vote recounts continue in three states. This week’s panel of political observers includes Susan Heltemes, Jerry Cave, Phil Bell, and Cynthia Rubenstein. You can […]
“21 This Week” Topics Include Presidential Race, Maryland Senate and Congressional Races (VIDEO)
Casey Aiken hosts the latest episode of 21 This Week. Aiken and panelists are talking about the presidential race, the Maryland Senate District 6 and District 2 Congressional races, the Montgomery County Board of Education races and the ballot questions on term limits for County Executive and the County Council. This week’s panel of political […]
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