Mariana Cordier hosts the latest episode of Montgomery Week in Review. Guests include Jane de Winter, Tracy Rezvani, Phil Andrews, and Stuart Rosenthal. Cordier and the panel discuss numerous topics during the show. Jane de Winter discusses the status of equal pay for equal work with the panel. Next Tracy Rezvani lets us know what […]
Montgomery Week in Review
Mariana Cordier hosts the latest episode of Montgomery Week in Review. Guests include Phil Andrews, Stuart Rosenthal, Jane de Winter, and David Rodich. Cordier and the panel discuss the following: The State’s Attorney’s work to prevent cyberbullying with Phil Andrews. Avoiding scams as explained in the February issue of The Beacon with editor and publisher […]
Montgomery Week in Review
Don Mooers hosts the latest episode of Montgomery Week in Review. Guests include Phil Andrews, Mardia Dennis, Cassandra Quesnel, and Pablo Blank. Mooers and the panel discuss public campaign financing with Phil Andrews, food insecurity with Mardia Dennis from Manna Food, addressing student stress and anxiety over gun violence with Cassandra Quesnel from Every Mind, and […]
Phil Andrews Talks About Public Financing Law (VIDEO)
At least 16 candidates in the 2018 election will be using Montgomery County’s public election financing system, which supplements campaign contributions with money from a taxpayer-supported fund. The system requires candidates for the Montgomery County Council and county executive to reach a minimum number of contributions, none more than $150. Once candidates reach the minimum, […]
Montgomery Week In Review (VIDEO)
Don Mooers hosts the latest episode of Montgomery Week in Review. His guests include Phil Andrews, Agnes Leshner, Bruce Fowler, and Susan Ingram. Mooers and the panel discuss the county’s Mental Health Court with Phil Andrews, the work of Montgomery’s Kids to assist abused and neglected children with Agnes Leshner, the Fulbright Scholars program with Bruce Fowler, […]
Students to Discuss Public Policy Issues at Emerging Leaders Public Policy Forum on Feb. 7 & Feb. 8
Staff from the Montgomery County Business Roundtable for Education (MCBRE) are inviting residents and school leaders to the Student Emerging Leaders Program (SELP) Public Policy Forum on Feb. 7 and Feb. 8. More than 70 sophomores across Montgomery County Public Schools (MCPS) will discuss proposed solutions during the two-day event. “The Student Emerging Leaders Program […]
Watch Montgomery Week In Review (VIDEO)
Mariana Cordier hosts the latest episode of Montgomery Week in Review. Her guests include Phil Andrews, Michael Ball, Stephanie Hubbard, and Saundra Matthews. The panel discuss mental health courts with Phil Andrews, Serving Together programs for veterans with Michael Ball, food insecurity with Stephanie Hubbard, and heart healthy practices with Stephanie Hubbard. You can watch the […]
Leventhal on Bus Depot and the Shady Grove Sector Plan (VIDEO
At a County Council meeting today, Councilmember George Leventhal said he will not support putting school buses at the Carver Education Services Center. His remarks were greeted with applause from many residents in the audience. During his remarks at the dais, Leventhal also said he wishes he didn’t vote for the Shady Grove Sector Plan. […]
Watch Montgomery Week in Review (VIDEO)
Don Mooers hosts the latest episode of Montgomery Week in Review. His guests include Brian Karem, Jane de Winter, Phil Andrews, and Ralph Watkins. Topics discussed this week include Metro’s SafeTrack program to repair the Metrorail system, the Montgomery County Education Association, the county’s mental health courts and the League of Women Voters of Maryland. […]
Watch Montgomery Week in Review (VIDEO)
Don Mooers hosts the latest episode of Montgomery Week in Review. His guests include Phil Andrews, Julie Riggs, Susan Callahan and Fred Evans. Topics discussed this week include the potential for a mental health court in Montgomery County, the role of the Serving Together peer navigator in providing support for our veterans, programs offered by […]
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