new york

October 28, 2021 | Deirdre Byrne

Former Washington Football Team Employee from Silver Spring Calls for Accountability

A former Washington Football Team (WFT) employee from Silver Spring, who participated in the NFL’s investigation into the team’s alleged widespread harassment and sexual misconduct, is calling for transparency. Ana Nuñez worked for the WFT from 2015 to 2019 and she told MyMCM that “pretty much [every employee’s] mentality was survival mode.” Here’s the letter Ana […]

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March 4, 2021 | Maryam Shahzad

Friedson Asks Elrich for Clear Target Metrics Required for Next Stage of Reopenings

In a letter Tuesday, Montgomery County Councilmember Andrew Friedson asked County Executive Marc Elrich for specific metrics the jurisdiction must meet in order to move to the next stage of COVID-19 reopenings. “While we must continue to do all we can to follow public health guidance to protect the safety of our residents, the County […]

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July 27, 2020 | Andrea Sarralde

Residentes de Maryland deben estar en Cuarentena por 14 Días si Visitan Nueva York

Maryland se une a una lista de otros 30 estados cuyos residentes deben ponerse en cuarentena, durante 14 días, si viajan a la ciudad de Nueva York, como medida para evitar la propagación del Covid-19. Esto aplica una vez que alguien ingresa a Nueva York, pero excluye a aquellos que pasan por el estado. El […]

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July 27, 2020 | Isabel Cleary

Maryland Residents Must Quarantine for 14 Days When Visiting New York

Maryland joins a list of 30 other states whose residents are required to quarantine for 14 days due to COVID-19 if they are traveling to New York . This applies once someone enters New York, but excludes those who are passing through the state. The New York Coronavirus website says that passing through includes stopping […]

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June 19, 2020 | Staff Writer

Commemoration of Juneteenth Takes on Added Significance in 2020

Juneteenth commemorates June 19, 1865, the day that slavery officially ended. It is the oldest, nationally celebrated remembrance of the ending of slavery in the United States. The day celebrates emancipation and empowerment and emphasizes education and achievement. This year, because of recent killings of African Americans by active and retired police officers and the resulting protests across […]

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April 17, 2020 | Maryam Shahzad

P.G. County Councilmember Says 20 of her Relatives in New York Affected by COVID-19

Prince George’s County Councilmember Deni Taveras (District 2) is all too familiar with the pain COVID-19 brings.  She has lost four family members to the illness, and said two more are on the verge of passing away. 14 more are either confirmed or suspected to have the virus, she said in an interview with MyMCMedia’s […]

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April 16, 2020 | Michelle Queen

Maryland to Receive 50 Ventilators From New York

New York is sending ventilators to other states now that its coronavirus response is stabilizing. Fifty of the ventilators will go to Maryland. New York Governor Andrew Coumo made the announcement during a news conference Wednesday afternoon. He noted that New York had “one of the earlier curves” in COVID-19 deaths nad now since the […]

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September 11, 2019 | Deirdre Byrne

Kensington Volunteer Fire Department Adds Plaque Honoring Shanksville Victims for 9/11 Memorial

It’s been 18 years since the tragedy on Sept. 11, 2001, killed 2,977 people. For Kensington Volunteer Fire Department (KVFD), the tragedy is especially personal because it was one of the fire departments to respond to the terrorist attacks on the Pentagon. In 2009, Steven Semler—KVFD’s past president and now life member—was instrumental in beginning […]

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July 17, 2019 | Deirdre Byrne

Ocasio-Cortez Joins Raskin for Rally in Silver Spring Thursday

Rep. Jamie Raskin (D-Md.) will be joined by Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-N.Y.) on Thursday for a rally at the Silver Spring Civic Building. The rally will benefit Raskin’s Democracy Summer program, which aims to educate young Democrats about political organizing strategies to turn out voters to vote down the ballot in the 2020 election. Both […]

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March 14, 2019 | Deirdre Byrne

North Potomac Ranked Nationally, Locally as Great Place to Live

The website Niche has ranked North Potomac as the 13th best U.S. suburb to raise a family, as well as the best place to live in Maryland. In an email, Jessica Hair, who works in media relations for Niche said, “North Potomac rose to #13 by excelling in factors like area public schools, cost of living, […]

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