One thing I have done since the beginning of my recovery from my brain injury is be grateful for any small step I can make to improve myself physically, mentally or spiritually. My first gratitude lists consisted of any small step I made in my physical progress. For example, as the experimental medication began to […]
My New Normal
The ABCs for Brain Injury Survivors: A is for Attitude
Last week I introduced myself to you in my debut post about my brain injury. I told you about how “Living in Montgomery County Saved My Life.” OK, so I survived. Now what? If you are familiar with the five stages of grief as defined by Elizabeth Kubler-Ross in “On Death and Dying” (1969), I […]
Living in Montgomery County Saved My Life
Allow me to introduce myself: I am a brain injury survivor and a medical miracle. If I had lived any place other than Montgomery County, I’m not sure I would have made it to my 60th birthday. I barely made it to the correct diagnosis, just under the six-month time frame before the rare viral […]
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