montgomery village teen

October 8, 2015 | Staff Writer

Montgomery Village Teen Located (PHOTO)

UPDATED Oct. 11: A family member reports that Aryanna McDaniel has been located and is safe. Thanks to everyone for their help. ORIGINAL POST Montgomery County Police officers are asking the public’s assistance in locating a missing Montgomery Village teen. According to police, Aryanna McDaniel, age 15, from the 20000 block of Doolittle Street in […]

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December 1, 2014 | Sonya Burke

Missing Montgomery Village Teen Found (Photo)

UPDATED, Dec. 1, 5:30 p.m. – Gina Pierre, of the 10000 block of Ridgeline Drive in Montgomery Village, has been located safe and unharmed. ORIGINAL- Montgomery County Police are asking the public for help in locating a missing Montgomery Village teen. According to police, Gina Pierre, age 17, of the 10000 block of Ridgeline Drive […]

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