Montgomery County Child Care Recovery Program

August 21, 2020 | Andrea Sarralde

Montgomery Otorga $10 Millones a Centros y Hogares de Cuidado Infantil

Casi 500 centros y hogares de cuidado infantil recibieron un total de $10 millones a través del Programa de Recuperación de Cuidado Infantil del Condado de Montgomery, anunció el 20 de agosto el ejecutivo Marc Elrich. “Brindar cuidado infantil seguro, que es esencial para muchos de nuestros residentes, especialmente durante esta pandemia, es desafiante y […]

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August 21, 2020 | Suzanne Pollak

County Awards $10 Million To Child Care Centers, Homes

Almost 500 child care centers and family child care homes received a total of $10 million through the Montgomery County Child Care Recovery Program, Executive Marc Elrich announced Aug. 20. “Providing safe child care, which is essential for so many of our residents – especially during this pandemic, is challenging and costly,” Elrich wrote in […]

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