Mike Knapp, CEO of SkillSmart and former Montgomery County Councilmember, stopped by Montgomery Community Media’s Small Business University event on April 21. In this MyMCMedia Extra video, Knapp talks about Montgomery County’s Economic Development Corporation.
‘Montgomery Moving Forward’ Calls for a Single Workforce Development Authority (VIDEO)
With the goal of creating a single workforce development authority, members of Montgomery Moving Forward recently announced a call to action that details what steps to take during the next two years to close the gap between good jobs and the number of skilled people. A diverse coalition of leaders calls for accountability to ensure […]
Council to Interview Five Applicants for Planning Board Chair
The Montgomery County Council will interview five applicants for the chair of the Montgomery County Planning Board on July 8. As you may remember, Planning Board Chair Francoise Carrier’s term expired on June 14 and she did not apply for reappointment. The Council received letters of interest from 18 applicants to fill the vacancy. Eight […]
Primary Election Night Coverage, On-Air and Online
Six television stations that are members in the Montgomery County PEG (Public/Education/Government) organization of community cable stations are combining resources to be the main place to find up-to-date information on Tuesday, June 24, when County voters go to the polls for primary elections concerning County Government, the County delegation to the Maryland General Assembly, Governor […]
Planning Board Chair Interviews Set for July 8
Montgomery County Council President Craig Rice has announced the list of applicants to be interviewed for the chair of the Montgomery County Planning Board on Tuesday, July 8. Planning Board Chair Francoise Carrier’s term expires on June 14. She has indicated that she would not apply for reappointment. The applicant list consists of 18 applications […]
Planning Board Applicants Include Familiar Names
A total of 19 people have applied to fill an open position on the Montgomery County Planning Board, including former County Councilmember Mike Knapp, former Rockville Councilmember John Britton, the former president of the Kentlands Citizens Assembly Richard Arkin, former planning board member, Meredith Wellington and two current members (Casey Anderson and Norman Dreyfuss) as […]
Montgomery Week in Review (Video)
Montgomery Week in Review host Don Mooers and the panel discuss the issue of overcrowding in our public schools, health issues featured in recent issue of The Beacon, efforts by Orion Ventures to develop and implement strategies to increase economic opportunities, and Rotary projects in Montgomery County. Take a look. Guests: Mike Knapp, founder Orion […]
“Everybody Kind of Feels Maligned” (Video)
Former Montgomery County Councilmember Mike Knapp has not ruled out a return to politics in 2014. In this video clip, Knapp talks about what he would focus on if he was elected County Executive. Take a look. Knapp was a panelist at a March 2nd Leadership Montgomery election workshop. For more on that event: https://archive.mymcmedia.org/campaign-workshop-video/
Knapp Considers County Executive Race (Video)
Former Montgomery County Councilmember Mike Knapp recently served as a panelist at a recent Leadership Montgomery workshop entitled, “How to Run for Elected Office.” After the workshop, Knapp told MyMCMedia’s Sonya Burke that if he runs in 2014 it will be for the office of County Executive. Find out why in this video extra: For […]
Mike Knapp on Election 2014 (Video)
Mike Knapp, a former Montgomery County Councilmember, recently told MyMCMedia’s Sonya Burke that he has not ruled out a run for the office of County Executive. Take a look. Knapp was a panelist at a March 2 Leadership Montgomery election workshop. For more on that event: https://archive.mymcmedia.org/campaign-workshop-video/ Also, to see photos of the event visit: […]
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