Congratulations to Adventure Theatre MTC for their production of Bob Marley’s Three Little Birds. The show completed a month long season of sold out performances at the New Victory Theater Off-Broadway. County Executive Ike Leggett presented a proclamation to Artistic Director Michael J. Bobbitt and some members of the cast honoring this accomplishment.
Michael Bobbitt
“It’s Hard to Recoup $50,000 in Losses” (Video)
In this MyMCMedia extra, you will hear just how much the federal government’s shutdown of Glen Echo Park is costing a children’s theatre who calls the national park home. For more on Glen Echo Park, visit Related Posts
County Leaders Call For Reopening Glen Echo (Photos)
Montgomery County Executive Isiah Leggett called on the National Park Service (NPS) on Oct. 15 to reopen Glen Echo Park, which remains closed despite the fact that its arts and cultural programs receive no federal funds. At the event, Leggett reiterated the County’s offer to take responsibility for grounds maintenance and security, the functions that […]
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