Montgomery County Public Schools (MCPS) invites staff, parents and community members to a series of meetings to learn about the upcoming changes to the middle and high school English for Speakers of Other Language (ESOL) program. The ESOL program helps linguistically and culturally diverse secondary students orientate to a new cultural and academic environment. The […]
Newly Elected BOE Member Jeanette Dixon Looks Forward to Serve (VIDEO)
Newly elected Montgomery County school board member Jeanette Dixon was sworn into office on Dec. 1. In this MyMCMedia Extra video, Dixon said she is looking forward to serve the district. ICYMI VIDEO: @mocoboe swearing in ceremony w @RebeccaOnBoard @dixon_jeanette @ShebraEvans. @mymcmedia @MCPS — Sonya Burke (@SonyaNBurke) December 2, 2016 New @mocoboe member @dixon_jeanette […]
Rockville Bikeway Master Plan to be Discussed at Nov. 21 and Dec. 12 Meetings
Rockville city leaders are scheduled to discuss the Bikeway Master Plan on Nov. 21 and Dec. 12. A formal presentation of the plan is scheduled to take place at the Mayor and Council meeting on Nov. 21 at City Hall. Next month, residents can let local leaders know what they think of the plan at […]
Silver Spring Civic Building Welcomes Home Architect Rodolfo Machado (VIDEO)
The architect of the Silver Spring Civic Building, Rodolfo Machado, discussed the public space at a recent presentation. Take a look: During his lecture, Machado explained how architecture can relate to its surroundings to strengthen a neighborhood, a campus or a city. He presented past and recent designs, including a new mixed-use complex in Cairo, […]
Maryland Governor Larry Hogan on Biotech, Montgomery County and Marriott (VIDEO)
Maryland Governor Larry Hogan was one of the keynote speakers at the 2016 Regional Biotech Forum at MedImmune on April 18th in Gaithersburg. Before his speech, he answered a few questions from MyMCMedia about the biotech industry, the importance of Montgomery County on the state’s economy and his recent meeting with Marriott executives. This was […]
Rockville Kicks Off Southlawn Industrial Area Study (VIDEO)
The city of Rockville has embarked on a study of the Southlawn industrial area. Rockville 11 reports. Learn more about the Southlawn area feasibility study at You can visit our PEG partner Rockville11 to view more of its programming.
Rockville 2040 Listening Sessions To Begin in July
The City of Rockville is scheduled to host two listening sessions in July inviting community members, businesses and others to participate in the process to update Rockville’s 2002 Comprehensive Master Plan. Sessions: • 7 p.m. on Tuesday, July 7 for the Fallsgrove residential areas – meet at Thomas Farm Community Center, 700 Fallsgrove Drive • 8:30 a.m. […]
Leggett Reconvenes Transit Task Force
UPDATED Montgomery County Executive Ike Leggett announced today that he has reconvened the County’s Transit Task Force. In an April 6 letter to Task Force Chair Mark Winston, Leggett asked the Task Force to make recommendations relating about how to “… establish a plan for the implementation of as much of the [high quality bus […]
Council to Review Operating Budget Requests
The Montgomery County Council will continue its review of County Executive Isiah Leggett’s recommended Fiscal Year 2015 operating budget on May 5. With less than two weeks to go before an expected agreement on the budget, the among the budget requests the Council will review on Monday include those of Montgomery College, the Maryland-National Capital […]
Council Committees Meet on April 25
The Montgomery County Council’s Government Operations and Fiscal Policy (GO) Committee at 9:30 a.m. on Thursday, April 25, will hold its second worksession on the compensation and benefits proposed for employees of County government and County agencies in the Fiscal Year 2014 operating budget. The review is part of the Council’s examination of the recommended […]
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