Tracey Edwards, Julia Hodge, and Jon Suber join Kelly Leonard for MyMCM’s January episode of Small Business Network at Home. The series of monthly sessions facilitated by Leonard address topics of interest to small business owners in Montgomery County. January’s topic is “Marketing to Corporate America in 2021.” Watch the entire show here: Tracey Edwards is […]
SBN At-Home: Small Business Road to Economic Recovery Part 2
Anna Behnam, Jane Redicker, and Ken White join Kelly Leonard for MyMCM’s December episode of Small Business Network at Home. The series of monthly sessions facilitated by Leonard address topics of interest to small business owners in Montgomery County. December’s topic was “Small Business Road to Economic Recovery, Part 2.” Watch the entire show here: Anna […]
SBN en Español – Relanzar, Reabrir y Reimaginar
El tercer episodio de Small Business Network en Español trata a fondo el programa conocido como las 3R (Relanzar, Reabrir y Reimaginar), prestamos para producción local y el fondo de ayuda para restaurantes. Así mismo, trae la historia de dos empresarios hispanos que han tenido que aplicar las 3R a su estrategia de negocio para […]
SBN At-Home: Small Business Road to Economic Recovery Part I
Marilyn Balcombe and Georgette “Gigi” Godwin join Kelly Leonard for Montgomery Community Media’s November episode of Small Business Network at Home. The series of monthly sessions facilitated by Leonard address topics of interest to small business owners in Montgomery County. November’s topic was “Small Business Road to Economic Recovery, Part I.” Watch a video of […]
SBN At-Home: Hiring in a Covid World
Ellen Grealish and Stacey Jungreis joined Kelly Leonard for Montgomery Community Media’s October episode of Small Business Network at Home. The series of monthly sessions facilitated by Leonard addresses topics of interest to small business owners in Montgomery County. October’s topic was “Hiring and Retaining Top Talent in a Covid World.” Watch a video of […]
SBN en Español – Programa de Protección de Pago de Nómina
El segundo episodio de Small Business Network en Español trata el tema del Programa de Protección de Pago de Nómina, más conocido como PPP por su siglas en inglés. La Administración Federal de Pequeños Negocios (SBA) perdonará los préstamos si se cumplen todos los criterios de retención de empleados, y los fondos se usan para […]
SBN At-Home: Masterminds, Business Coaching, and So Much More
Sylvia Henderson and Wendy Swire joined Kelly Leonard for Montgomery Community Media’s September episode of Small Business Network at Home. The series of monthly sessions facilitated by Leonard addresses topics of interest to small business owners in Montgomery County. September’s topic was “Masterminds, Business Coaching and So Much More.” Watch a video of their discussion […]
SBN en Español – Recursos Disponibles para Pequeños Empresarios
El primer episodio de Small Business Network en Español trata el tema de los recursos disponibles para las pequeñas y medianas empresas establecidas en el condado de Montgomery, y que se han visto impactadas debido a la crisis provocada por la pandemia Covid-19. Este programa cuenta con tres invitados especiales: La Concejal NancyNavarro ha representado […]
SBN At-Home: Successful Marketing in a Recovering Economy
Laura Varner-Norman and Sherron Washington joined Kelly Leonard for Montgomery Community Media’s August episode of Small Business Network at Home. The series of monthly sessions facilitated by Leonard addresses topics of interest to small business owners in Montgomery County. August’s topic was “Successful Marketing in a Recovering Economy.” Watch a video of their discussion recorded […]
SBN At-Home: Reviving Your Business Pitch in a New Economy
A panel of business owners joined Kelly Leonard for Montgomery Community Media’s July’s episode of Small Business Network at Home. The series of monthly morning sessions facilitated by Leonard addresses topics of interest to small business owners in Montgomery County. July’s topic was “Reviving Your Business Pitch in a New Economy.” The panel featured Jamie Ratner, […]
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