The 2019 School Report Card has recently been released. With input from students and educators, it gives a comprehensive picture of each school and school system’s performance throughout the state. It also shows achievement among student groups, and information on all public schools and their improvement since last year. Maryland has more than 1,400 public […]
MCPS Middle School Rankings Based on Maryland Report Card Scores
Last week, every school in Montgomery County received a Maryland School Report Card, which serves as an education “accountability system” for Maryland’s public schools. The report cards measure test results, curriculum access, absenteeism rates, school climate, college and career readiness, and student growth. Schools receive three scores: Star Rating (based on point percentage). Percentile Rank (school’s performance compared […]
MCPS High School Rankings Based on Maryland School Report Card Scores
Maryland’s Department of Education unveiled its new “accountability system” earlier this week: Maryland School Report Cards. Although Maryland schools have received “report cards” for the past two decades, Maryland Superintendent of Schools Karen Salmon believes the new system is more comprehensive. Schools receive three scores: Star Rating (based on point percentage). Percentile Rank (school’s performance […]
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