Maryland Open Meetings Act

July 23, 2021 | Sarah Dilworth

Climate, Energy and Air Quality Advisory Committee Looking for Applicants

County Executive Marc Elrich wants to fill five vacancies on the Climate, Energy and Air Quality Advisory Committee. Looking to do more for Montgomery County’s climate, energy, and air quality? Volunteer for the Climate, Energy, and Air Quality Advisory Committee (CEAQAC)! Submit your application by August 6th #MCClimateAction #AirQuality #GivingBack. — Montgomery County […]

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November 5, 2020 | Suzanne Pollak

Housing Opportunities Commission Told to Open Committee Meetings to Public

The Maryland Open Meetings Compliance Board ruled Nov. 2 that the Housing Opportunities Commission of Montgomery County is subject to the open meetings act and that the commissioners have violated it by not opening committee meetings to the public. The state board detailed that the HOC, which is a public body created by state law, […]

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February 28, 2017 | Douglas Tallman

County Health Department to Assist Families Facing Deportation

The Montgomery County Department of Health and Human Services will provide support services to families who have a family member facing deportation, according to participants in a closed meeting Tuesday of county officials. Councilmember Nancy Navarro said the HHS presentation contained “well thought-out protocols,” which would include, for example, establishing shelters for children who may […]

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