Los residentes de Maryland de 18 años o más que se vacunen contra COVID-19 en el estado ingresarán automáticamente a una nueva lotería, anunció el gobernador Larry Hogan durante una conferencia de prensa el jueves. A partir del martes 25 de mayo, la Lotería de Maryland otorgará aleatoriamente $40,000 a un residente vacunado durante 40 […]
Hogan Announces $2 Million Lottery Incentive for Vaccinations
Marylanders 18 years and older who get COVID-19 vaccinated in the state will be automatically entered into a new lottery, Gov. Larry Hogan announced during a press conference Thursday. Beginning Tuesday, May 25, the Maryland Lottery will randomly award $40,000 to a vaccinated resident for 40 straight days — through July 3. On July 4, […]
Alertas Telefónicas sobre Exposición al Coronavirus en Maryland
El Departamento de Salud de Maryland (MDH) anunció el lanzamiento de MD Covid Alert, un sistema oficial de notificaciones de exposición a COVID-19 para residentes de Maryland. RELEASE: Starting today, Marylanders can use MD COVID Alert to receive #COVID19 exposure notifications on their smartphones. MD COVID Alert uses Bluetooth to notify users who may have […]
Maryland Department of Health Launches Phone Notification Alerts for Coronavirus Exposure
The Maryland Department of Health (MDH) announced this Tuesday the launch of MD Covid Alert, an official COVID-19 Exposure Notifications system for Marylanders. RELEASE: Starting today, Marylanders can use MD COVID Alert to receive #COVID19 exposure notifications on their smartphones. MD COVID Alert uses Bluetooth to notify users who may have been exposed to someone […]
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