More than $640,000 in grant funding has been awarded to 15 environmental projects in Montgomery County, officials announced Sunday. “Great start to #EarthWeek!” County Executive Marc Elrich wrote on Twitter. “These awards provide funds directly to Montgomery County organizations and communities for projects that will help clean our air and water,” County Department of Environmental […]
County Launches New Campaign to Promote Reusable Bags (VIDEO)
Montgomery County is launching a new outreach campaign to encourage residents to use reusable bags. Lorna Virgili reports that you can get free reusable bags at your local library. Visit our PEG partner County Cable Montgomery to view more of its local programming.
County Trashes More Than 2,500 Illegal Signs (Video)
Drivers can see clearly now the signs are gone. It was time to go for more than 2,500 signs that were placed illegally along Montgomery County roads as three County departments came together for the first time and hit the road for a day-long crackdown on signs that could be distracting for drivers. See more […]
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