lindsey hoggle

August 10, 2016 | Sonya Burke

Father of Missing Clarksburg Children: ‘I Just Want My Babies Home’ (VIDEO)

It’s been almost two years since siblings Sarah and Jacob Hoggle disappeared from their Clarksburg home in September of 2014. Their mother, Catherine Hoggle, is the last known person to have seen the two children, and she has been charged by police with neglect, obstruction and hindering.  She has been found incompetent to stand trial, […]

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June 28, 2016 | Sonya Burke

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Catherine Hoggle Appears in Rockville Courtroom, Judge Sets New Hearing Date (VIDEOS)

With her long hair pulled back and wearing eyeglasses, a handcuffed Catherine Hoggle was brought inside a Rockville district courtroom on June 28th for a status hearing in the case of her missing children, Sarah and Jacob. She glanced back towards her mother who was sitting in the third row at least once during the […]

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June 7, 2016 | Sonya Burke

Lindsey Hoggle Writes about Her Daughter, Mental Illness and Jail in Letter to Local Newspaper

Lindsey Hoggle, the mother of Catherine Hoggle and the grandmother of missing Sarah and Jacob Hoggle, has written a letter to The Washington Post about mental illness and incarceration. Her daughter, Catherine Hoggle, is being treated for mental health issues at Clifton T. Perkins State Hospital in Jessup, Maryland. Catherine is believed to be last […]

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April 8, 2016 | Sonya Burke

State’s Attorney Prepares for Catherine Hoggle’s Competency Hearing (VIDEO)

State’s Attorney John McCarthy said he is preparing for the upcoming April 25th competency hearing in the case of Catherine Hoggle. Hoggle is the last known person to have seen her missing children, Sarah and Jacob, before they disappeared in Sept. of 2014. She continues to receive treatment for mental health issues at Clifton T. […]

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March 20, 2016 | Sonya Burke

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Family Members Contend Catherine Hoggle is “Trying to Work the System”

MyMCMedia has obtained copies of three statements that are now part of the court record in the case of Catherine Hoggle, the Clarksburg mom who is suspected in the 2014 disappearance of her children, Sarah and Jacob. Hoggle’s mother, the father of her children, and her aunt all contend in affadavits that the 29-year-old mother […]

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February 22, 2016 | Sonya Burke

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Catherine Hoggle Appears in Court, Judge Orders Competency Hearing (VIDEOS)

Handcuffed, in leg shackles, wearing eyeglasses and with her hair pulled back, a thinner Catherine Hoggle appeared in a Rockville district courtroom on Feb. 22 in front of Judge John Moffett. It was her fifth court hearing since she was ordered to undergo treatment for mental health issues at Clifton T. Perkins Hospital in Jessup […]

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February 21, 2016 | Sonya Burke

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Catherine Hoggle Due Back in Court on Monday

Catherine Hoggle is due back in a Montgomery County courtroom on Monday, Feb. 22nd. Hoggle, who has been treated for mental health issues at Clifton T. Perkins Hospital for over a year now, is the last known person to have seen her young children Sarah (5) and Jacob (3) before they disappeared in September of […]

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November 23, 2015 | Sonya Burke

Catherine Hoggle Appears in Court, Defense Files Motion to Dismiss (PHOTOS & VIDEOS)

Catherine Hoggle appeared in a Rockville courtroom on Nov. 23rd for a status hearing about her competency and the judge assigned to the hearing also ruled against a defense motion that was filed to dismiss the charges against her in district court. After the hearing, defense attorney David Felsen fielded questions about that motion and […]

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November 21, 2015 | Sonya Burke

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Catherine Hoggle Due Back in Court on Nov. 23 (VIDEO)

Catherine Hoggle -the mother of two young children who have been missing from Montgomery County for over a year now– appeared in a Montgomery County courtroom on Sept. 18 where a judge ordered her to continue medical treatment at Clifton T. Perkins Hospital. MyMCMedia’s Sonya Burke has reaction from the courthouse. You can find more […]

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November 18, 2015 | Sonya Burke

Troy Turner Braces for Another Birthday Without His Missing Children

UPDATED Troy Turner is bracing for Friday. That’s when his missing daughter, Sarah, turns five on Nov. 20th.  It will also be the second year in a row that he marks her birthday without her by his side. “That was one of the worst days of my life,” he said, recalling her 4th birthday last […]

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