Varios estudiantes fueron evacuados de manera segura después de que un autobús escolar quedó atascado en un pequeño “sumidero” en Layhill, dijo el portavoz principal del Servicio de Bomberos y Rescate del Condado (MCFRS), Pete Piringer. Una persona fue evaluada pero no hubo heridos, dijo MCFRS quien respondió a Leclair Court alrededor de las 7 […]
Leclair Court
School Bus Gets Stuck in ‘Sinkhole’, Several Students Removed With No Injuries
Several students were safely evacuated after a school bus was stuck in a small “sinkhole” in Layhill, County Fire and Rescue Service (MCFRS) Chief Spokesperson Pete Piringer shared. One person was evaluated but there were no injuries, he said. MCFRS responded to Leclair Court around 7 a.m. Wednesday morning and Piringer said the “sinkhole” was […]
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