Where will the journey of learning lead us this year? To prepare, we must pack our suitcases in anticipation of the adventures that lie ahead. And so we began with a simple question, “What should we pack for this year-long trip?” Responses from the students were quite practical until Kathryn raised her hand and stated, […]
I’m a Failure
“What comes to mind when you hear the words error or mistake?” As students brainstorm and throw out their many responses and reactions to this question, a specific course for instruction takes shape. How can we move forward with our learning when we are terrified of making mistakes? From parents, teachers and from society in […]
Life…It’s No Digital Clock
We begin the year with a powerful metaphor suggested and defined on the first day of school. While gathered in our morning circle at the beginning of the day, I asked the students to tell me the time as we were determining how to proceed with our daily schedule. With this initial question, much is […]
What Do I See, Now?
On the first day of school we looked in the mirror and asked ourselves, “What do I see?” The question generated written responses referring mostly to physical appearance. This week, our last week of school, we returned to the mirror and asked . . . “What do I see, now?” Katie Ashley Philip Elliot Imari […]
Lightning Strike Kids Opera Company Celebrates
To celebrate the successes of the year-long opera process and culminating production, we invited our distinguished volunteers and supporters to join us for a brief ceremony. There we reflected on who we are and what we have become as a result of our many accomplishments.
Reconnecting . . . Back on Track
After the opera production, when the authentic purpose for collaboration to accomplish the collective goal no longer exists, students sometimes struggle to re-establish their connection as a group and refocus their attention. They need to be reminded that it is the group effort that brought them to this point on the track. Each contributed to […]
An Empty Stage (Videos)
Now that we have achieved our ultimate goal of creating and performing an original opera, where do we go from here? What do we do? These are questions the students ask as they enter the classroom “the day after” the final performance. After striking the set, depression sets in. All of this intense work . […]
The Broken Mirror (Video)
As I closed the classroom door in frustration, a mirror fell and shattered into a thousand pieces. My students quickly came to my aid, offering comfort and consolation. They understand that a teacher is human and experiences the same emotions as they do. We all feel frustration and must learn how to manage it. My […]
Post Opera Reflections
After the opera premiere, the company reflected in writing. The members of Lightning Strike Kids Opera Company reached the summit of the mountain and wanted to convey their innermost thoughts about feelings about their accomplishments.
A Lesson from Joseph
The day of the opera, a fifth grade colleague asked his students, my former opera students, to reflect on the opera experience. After writing their reflections, they came to our classroom to read aloud what they were thinking and feeling. Lightning Strike Kids Opera Company listened attentively as members of Water Droplets Kids Opera Company […]
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