
July 14, 2021 | Maryam Shahzad

Jawando Introduces Bill to Extend Limits Against Rent Increases

On Tuesday, Montgomery County Councilmember Will Jawando introduced a bill to extend limits on rent increases after the COVID-19 state of emergency ends. If passed, the bill would extend the prohibition against raising rents above voluntary guidelines until one year after the state of emergency ends, and would prohibit charging fees for late rent payments […]

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February 23, 2015 | Sonya Burke

MCPS Announces Two Hour Delay

Montgomery County Public Schools are operating on a two-hour delay because of emergency weather conditions. Bus service will be provided on a two-hour-delayed schedule. Morning prekindergarten, morning half-day Head Start, other morning half-day programs and field trips are canceled. Other activities and programs that begin at 10:30 a.m. or earlier are canceled. Administrative offices are […]

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February 16, 2015 | Sonya Burke

Montgomery County Public Schools are Closed on Feb. 17

UPDATED Montgomery County Public Schools are closed on Tuesday, Feb. 17 due to emergency weather conditions. All school and community activities in school buildings also are canceled. Administrative offices are also closed today.

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