Jennifer Ligsay

May 13, 2016 | Staff Writer

County Planning Department’s Makeover Montgomery Conference Draws Hundreds (VIDEO)

Hundreds of people attended the Makeover Montgomery 3 conference this week. Montgomery Planning’s Jennifer Ligsay has the story. Visit our PEG partner County Cable Montgomery to view more of its local programming.

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March 10, 2014 | Staff Writer

photo student art piece

Glenview Mansion Student Art Show (Video)

Throughout March, student artwork will be showcased at the Glenview Mansion in Rockville now throught March 15 as part of the annual student art show. Rockville 11’s Jennifer Ligsay has the story. Visit our PEG partner Rockville11 to view more of its programming. The exhibit runs from March 2 – 15. Glenview Mansion is located […]

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February 28, 2014 | Staff Writer

photo Virginia Onley

Meet Virginia Onley (Video)

Meet Virginia Onley, the first African-American woman elected to the Rockville City Council. Visit our PEG partner Rockville11 to view more of its programming.

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December 28, 2013 | Staff Writer

Glenview Mansion Holiday Open House (Video)

Every December, Rockville’s Glenview Mansion is transformed into a holiday wonderland. Rockville 11’s Jennifer Ligsay reports from the Mansion. Visit our PEG partner Rockville11 to view more of its programming.

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December 8, 2013 | Staff Writer

Rockville’s Red Light Cameras (Video)

Red light cameras are here to stay in the city of Rockville. Rockville 11’s Jennifer Ligsay has the story. Visit our PEG partner Rockville11 to view more of its programming. Learn more, visit RockvilleMD.Gov/redlight.

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October 21, 2013 | Staff Writer

Pinneberg Delegation Visits Rockville (Video)

Rockville was recently visited by a delegation from their Sister City Pinneberg, Germany. Rockville and Pinneberg have been Sister Cities since 1957. Rockville 11’s Jennifer Ligsay reports. Visit our PEG partner Rockville11 to view more of its programming. Learn more by visiting Rockville website.

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October 10, 2013 | Staff Writer

New Smoke Alarms (Video)

Aaron Smith of the Rockville Fire Marshall’s office explains the important safety features of the new smoke alarms mandated by law. As we recognize National Fire Prevention week, Smith explains the common causes of in home fires and how to prevent them. Rockville 11’s Jennifer Ligsay reports. Visit our PEG partner Rockville11 to view more […]

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August 23, 2013 | Staff Writer

Rockville Skate Jam (Video)

Skateboarders showed off their skills at the Rockville Skate Jam held at the Rockville Skate Park. The park provides free access to ramps, pipes, rails and a variety of skateboarding facilities. The friendly competition included music, food, and an emphasis on making friends. Rockville 11’s Jennifer Ligsay reports. Visit our PEG partner Rockville11 to view […]

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August 10, 2013 | Staff Writer

Ash Tree Problems (Video)

The emerald ash beetle has been attacking ash trees in the United States for about ten years now. Rockville 11’s Jennifer Ligsay talks to Forester Wayne Noll about what residents can do to protect their ash trees. Rockville residents may call Parks and Facilities Division for assistance at 240.314.8700 if they suspect their trees are […]

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July 26, 2013 | Staff Writer

Rockville Helps Residents Beat The Heat (Video)

The city of Rockville’s Division of Community Services provides for the wellbeing of area residents through a variety of human services programs. This summer, the division is helping residents stay cool inside when temps are heating up outside. Rockville 11’s Jennifer Ligsay reports. Visit our PEG partner Rockville11 to view more of its programming.

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