Montgomery County Police Chief Thomas Manger was joined by other police chiefs and law enforcement officers on Sept. 30 to get the word out about the tough new traffic laws that go into effect on Oct. 1. “Today is the last day that anyone in the state of Maryland should expect that they can get […]
Ribbon Cutting for Choice Hotels International (Video)
Choice Hotels International Headquarters recently moved to their new location in Rockville Town Center. Rockville 11’s Bridget Schwiesow has the story in this video: Visit our PEG partner Rockville11 to view more of its programming. Additional Coverage:
District 17 Legislative Reception
Senator Jennie Forehand and Delegates Kumar Barve, Jim Gilchrist and Luiz Simmons invite the residents of District 17 to join them for a special Presidents’ Day reception in Annapolis on Monday, February 18, . A light dinner will be served from 6 to 8 p.m., followed by an opportunity to observe the Maryland House and […]
ICC Speed Limit to Increase
The MD Transportation Authority (MDTA) announced today, Feb 4 that following extensive engineering and crash analyses, it is increasing the posted speed limit on the Intercounty Connector (ICC)/MD 200 from 55 mph to 60 mph. “We began our engineering study full force in mid 2012, but as I’ve said all along, we needed one year […]
Maryland’s District 17 Delegates Update City (Video)
The Maryland District 17 delegation recently presented their 2013 legislative priorities to the Rockville City Council. The delegation includes Senator Jennie Forehand, Delegates Kumar Barve, Luiz Simmons, and Jim Gilchrist. The upcoming session of the Maryland General Assembly runs from January 9 through April 8. Rockville 11’s Bridget Broullire reports. Visit our PEG partner Rockville11 […]
Rockville Veterans Day (Video)
Rockville 11 reports on the city’s Veterans Day Observance that took place on Monday, November 11. For more on Rockville’s Veterans watch “A Salute to Rockville’s Veterans” on Rockville’s YouTube Channel.
Rockville’s Volunteer Day (Video)
Rockville held its annual Rockville Volunteer Appreciation Day at the Glenview Mansion. Rockville 11 reports in this video.
Chamber Celebrates
The Gaithersburg-Germantown Chamber of Commerce (GGCC) recently celebrated a grand reopening with a ribbon-cutting ceremony at its new offices. Over 65 people attended, including County Executive Isiah “Ike” Leggett, State Senators Nancy King & Jennie Forehand; State Delegates Charles Barkley & Brian Feldman; Montgomery County Executive Ike Leggett; County Councilmembers Nancy Floreen & Craig Rice; […]
Rockville Senior Center Celebrates Expansion (Video)
Check out the newly expanded Rockville Senior Center. The new wing features fitness equipment to help seniors age in place. Local and state officials were on hand to tour the center and try out the new equipment. Learn more visit Rockville Senior Center.
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