gun legislation

March 4, 2016 | Maureen Chowdhury

Kathleen Matthews: “Addressing Gun Safety is a Really Critical First Issue for Us” (VIDEO)

Kathleen Matthews is running for Maryland’s 8th Congressional District seat and she recently stopped by Montgomery Community Media studios to record her candidate statement. MyMCMedia caught up with Matthews in the newsroom and in this Extra video, she talks about why gun control is a top priority in her campaign.

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January 11, 2016 | Willie James Inman

Safe Silver Spring Discusses Legislative Priorities for 2016 (VIDEO)

Safe Silver Spring hosted its annual Legislative Forum on Thursday, January 7, at the Silver Spring Civic Building. In this MyMCMedia video, elected officials and citizens discuss upcoming public safety legislation. MyMCMedia’s Willie James Inman reports. To learn more about Safe Silver Spring you can visit its Facebook page.

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