December 13, 2018 | Deirdre Byrne

Hogan’s Bipartisan Appeal to Address Climate Change

Governor Larry Hogan is continuing to ride his “purple surfboard” in a new bipartisan appeal to address climate change. Hogan and Ralph Northam, the democratic governor of Virginia, published a column in The Washington Post earlier this week, calling on state officials “to put aside partisan interest and get to work” on addressing the climate […]

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December 11, 2017 | Mitti Hicks

Some Residents Worry About GOP Tax Plan (VIDEO)

In a sit-down meeting with Maryland Senator Ben Cardin (Md-D), Nancy Suniewick of Silver Spring expressed concern over the tax reform bills passed recently by the Senate and the House. Both bills aim to eliminate the state and local tax reduction. According to the Tax Policy Center, state and local income and real estate taxes […]

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December 6, 2017 | Douglas Tallman

Montgomery GOP Leader Questions Where the Money Went

After a year with an 8.7 percent property tax increase and a 30 percent increase in the recordation tax, Montgomery’s County’s Republican party wants to know why the county has a $120 million shortfall in its fiscal 2018 budget. “The bottom line is since 2014 in Montgomery County, we’ve seen our taxes go up and […]

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November 13, 2017 | Douglas Tallman

UPDATED: Hate Messages Plastered on GOP Headquarters’ Front Door

The Montgomery County Republican Central Committee headquarters were vandalized Saturday night with hate messages apparently from a neo-Nazi group. “We believe this was a hate crime intended to smear our party with an implication that we support the beliefs expressed in these posters which we definitely do not believe in or support in any way,” […]

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May 5, 2017 | Mitti Hicks

photo of U.S. Senator Ben Cardin

Cardin: ‘Healthcare Bill The House Passed is Tragic’ (VIDEO)

At a recent affordable housing forum in Bethesda, U.S. Senator Ben Cardin (D-Md) spoke out against Thursday’s passing of the American Health Care Act in the House, calling it “tragic.” The bill, which passed by a slim margin (217-213), is the GOP’s plan to repeal and replace the Affordable Care Act, also known as Obamacare. […]

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