It’s Academic, the high school quiz show which started in 1961 on NBC4 in Washington D.C., is recognized as the world’s longest-running TV quiz show. This year, the popular show is celebrating a 50-year partnership with Giant Foods. The Montgomery County recognized the partnership on Oct. 4th by issuing a proclamation. “It’s just amazing that […]
game show
Millennial Or Nah? (VIDEO)
Studio Producer Project Winter 2016 A modern day trivia game show that tests the contestants knowledge on popular subjects such as movies, videos gone viral, and popular social media trends.
Takoma Park Teacher Wins $1-Million on Wheel of Fortune (VIDEO)
Sarah Manchester, a Takoma Park Middle School math teacher, recently won one million dollars on the game show, Wheel of Fortune. You can watch her win and check out her reaction, and her family’s reaction, below: For more on this story, see The Washington Post’s report. OMG!! Takoma Park MS teacher Sarah Manchester just won […]
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