
March 12, 2020 | Maryam Shahzad

Hogan Frustrated By Lack of Information About Marylanders on Docked Cruise Ship

Gov. Hogan expressed his frustration with the federal government’s communication about the 12 Marylanders aboard the Grand Princess cruise ship docked off the coast of California after the COVID-19 coronavirus was confirmed onboard.  21 cases of the coronavirus have been confirmed on the ship: two guests and 19 crew members. The ship docked at a […]

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March 24, 2016 | Sonya Burke

Troy Turner: I Want My Kids Home (VIDEO)

In this MyMCMedia Extra video, Troy Turner shares some of the feelings he experiences when he is in the same room as Catherine Hoggle, who is the last known person to have seen their children, Sarah and Jacob, in Sept. of 2014. Hoggle is due back in District Court on April 25 for a competency […]

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