Andrew Duck, candidate for the Democratic nominee in Maryland’s 6th congressional district, participated in the May 3, 2018 Candidates’ Forum hosted by various Democratic Clubs. Paul Bessel moderated the forum. Duck responded to this question: Do you favor free community college? The forum included Andrew Duck, George English, Dr. Nadia Hashimi, Chris Hearsey, Roger Manno, […]
Chris Hearsey’s Position on Free Community College
Chris Hearsey, candidate for the Democratic nominee in Maryland’s 6th congressional district, participated in the May 3, 2018 Candidates’ Forum hosted by various Democratic Clubs. Paul Bessel moderated the forum. Hearsey responded to this question: Do you favor free community college? The forum included Andrew Duck, George English, Dr. Nadia Hashimi, Chris Hearsey, Roger Manno, […]
David Trone’s Position on Free Community College
David Trone, candidate for the Democratic nominee in Maryland’s 6th congressional district, participated in the May 3, 2018 Candidates’ Forum hosted by various Democratic Clubs. Paul Bessel moderated the forum. Trone responded to this question: Do you favor free community college? The forum included Andrew Duck, George English, Dr. Nadia Hashimi, Chris Hearsey, Roger Manno, […]
Rice Talks About Free Community College (VIDEO)
In this MyMCMedia Extra, Montgomery County Councilmember Craig Rice said the opportunity to attend a community college at no cost provides a “stepping stone” to lift people who are in poverty while giving them access to a higher education. Watch here:
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