Dr. Ulder J. Tillman

May 22, 2016 | Staff Writer

Zika Virus Information Session Planned for May 26 (VIDEO)

Concerned about the Zika virus? Montgomery County residents can find out more about the virus and learn how to lower infection risk by taking part in an information session on Thursday, May 26. Take a look at the video below. Visit our PEG partner County Cable Montgomery to view more of its local programming.

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April 19, 2016 | Sonya Burke

Zika Virus Update (VIDEO)

Dressed for mosquito season, Dr. Ulder Tillman, health officer for Montgomery County, provided an update on the Zika virus at Tuesday’s County Council meeting. According to Tillman, there are eight cases of the Zika virus in the state of Maryland and they are all travel related. In this MyMCMedia Extra video, below, Tillman tells us […]

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October 18, 2012 | Staff Writer

Healthy Vending Machines 2BU

“2BU” Vending Machine Unveiled

County Executive Isiah Leggett was joined today by County Councilmember George Leventhal, chair of the Council’s Health and Human Services Committee; County Health Officer Dr. Ulder J. Tillman and members of the Obesity Prevention Strategy Group to unveil a new “2BU” vending machine in the Executive Office Building aimed at providing healthier food choices to […]

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