Cinco años después de que siete personas perdieran la vida, decenas de heridos y cientos de desplazados de sus apartamentos de Flower Branch en Silver Spring, a causa de una explosión a gas, todos los reguladores de mercurio al interior aún no se han trasladado al exterior en todo el estado. La Junta Nacional de […]
Five Years Later, Flower Branch Residents Still Fighting for Safety
Five years after seven people were killed, dozens injured and hundreds displaced from their Flower Branch Apartments in Silver Spring due to a gas explosion and fire, all indoor mercury regulators have yet to be moved outside throughout the state. The National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) ruled that the August 10, 2016 explosion occurred due […]
La Bandera del Orgullo LGBTQ+ fue Izada el Domingo en Silver Spring
Por tercera vez este mes, los funcionarios del condado de Montgomery izaron una bandera el domingo en celebración del Mes del Orgullo LGBTQ + (Lesbianas, Gays, Bisexuales, Transgénero y Queer). El ejecutivo del condado Marc Elrich, el oficial de salud Dr. Travis Gayles, el concejal Will Jawando, la alcaldesa de Takoma Park Kate Stewart y […]
Pride Flag Hoisted in Downtown Silver Spring Sunday
For the third time this month, a Pride flag was raised Sunday by Montgomery County officials. County Executive Marc Elrich, Health Officer Dr. Travis Gayles, Councilmember Will Jawando, Takoma Park Mayor Kate Stewart and Maryland Delegate Lorig Charkoudian joined other officials to raise a pride flag at Veterans Plaza in Downtown Silver Spring. Kicking off […]
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