The Johnson & Johnson COVID-19 single-dose vaccine is “safe and effective,” according to a Food and Drug Administration analysis released Wednesday. To date, the vaccine is approximately 66% effective in preventing moderate to severe COVID-19. In a recent briefing document, the FDA stated that the vaccine is “consistent with the recommendations set forth in FDA’s […]
Raskin, Trone Join Call for Federal Government to Vaccinate Its Own Workers
Reps. David Trone and Jamie Raskin, who represent Montgomery County in the U.S. House, joined their congressional colleagues from Northern Virginia and Washington, D.C., in calling on the federal government to vaccinate its workers through a process separate from state and local COVID-19 vaccine programs. The lawmakers represent the National Capital Region — comprised of […]
5 Things to Know Today, Feb. 23, In Montgomery County
Today is Tuesday, Feb. 23 and here are five things to know in Montgomery County: 1. County COVID-19 Testing Clinics: Free COVID-19 testing is available throughout the county at nine testing sites today. 2. Council in Virtual Session: The Montgomery County Council meets at 9 a.m. and here’s a look at the agenda for the meeting. The meeting will […]
Rep. Trone: Relief for State, Local Governments is Nonnegotiable
U.S. Rep. David Trone (D-Md. 6) joined County Council President Tom Hucker at a media briefing Monday to discuss how the Biden administration would work with Montgomery County. Trone discussed support for President Joe Biden’s $1.9 trillion coronavirus relief proposal, noting that it includes $350 billion in funding for state and local governments, which was […]
Senators, Congressmen Representing Montgomery County Confirm Safety
Maryland’s two U.S. Senators, Chris Van Hollen (D) and Ben Cardin (D), are both safe after protestors broke into the U.S. Capitol Wednesday afternoon, according to spokespeople for the officials. The Republican enablers who encouraged @POTUS and this insurrection must actively work to calm the crowds and restore order. Words matter and the incendiary language […]
Hogan Desea que el Presidente y la Primera Dama se Recuperen Pronto del Coronavirus
El gobernador Larry Hogan tuiteó el viernes por la mañana sobre la noticia de que el presidente Donald Trump y la primera dama Melania Trump dieron positivo por coronavirus. “Yumi y yo deseamos al presidente Trump y a la Primera Dama una pronta recuperación. Nuestros pensamientos y nuestras oraciones están con ambos”, tuiteó Hogan. Yumi […]
Hogan Wishes President, First Lady ‘Speedy Recovery’ from Coronavirus
Gov. Larry Hogan tweeted Friday morning about the news that President Donald Trump and First Lady Melania Trump have both tested positive for coronavirus. “Yumi and I are wishing President Trump and the First Lady a speedy recovery. Our thoughts and our prayers are with them both,” Hogan tweeted. Yumi and I are wishing President […]
Trone Urges State to Use IKEA’s Donation to Fund Unemployment Benefits
Last month, IKEA USA President Javiar Quiñones sent a letter to Gov. Larry Hogan offering to cover the unemployment benefits the state paid to the company’s furloughed workers when two Maryland stores were closed due to the pandemic, Maryland Matters reported. U.S. Congressman David Trone (D – Md. 6th district) is urging Gov. Larry Hogan […]
Líderes de Maryland Rinden Homenajes a Ruth Bader Ginsburg
Los homenajes de los líderes de Maryland para honrar a la jueza de la Corte Suprema, Ruth Bader Ginsburg, no se hicieron esperar tan pronto se conoció la noticia de su muerte. Ginsburg falleció el viernes a los 87 años de “complicaciones del cáncer de páncreas metastásico”, según un comunicado de la Corte Suprema. Su […]
Tributes to Ruth Bader Ginsburg Pour in from Leaders in Maryland
Tributes from leaders in Maryland are pouring in to honor Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg. Ginsburg died this evening at 87 from “complications of metastatic pancreas cancer,” according to a statement from the Supreme Court. Her death leaves a Supreme Court seat vacancy, weeks before the 2020 General Election. NPR reports that Ginsburg dictated […]
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