Assistant Chief Luther Reynolds is one of eight finalists to take over the Dallas Police Department, according to a report in the Dallas News. Other finalists are from Seattle, Los Angeles and three high-ranking members of Dallas police, the report said. The position has been vacant since October, when Chief David Brown retired. City Manager […]
Robert DiSpirito Named New Rockville City Manager
Robert DiSpirito was named the new city manager in Rockville , the Mayor and Council announced Tuesday. DiSpirito is a Florida resident with three decades of service in local government leadership, He currently serves as the interim senior manager of the Sarasota County (Florida) Planning and Development Department, served as the city manager of Dunedin, […]
Local Reaction to Dallas Shooting (VIDEO)
Montgomery County public safety officials and elected leaders attended this year’s Gaithersburg-Germantown Chamber of Commerce Public Safety awards ceremony just hours after the tragic shooting in Dallas. We asked them about their thoughts on the shooting. Find out more in this MyMCMedia extra video, below.
Senator Barbara Mikulski: “We Should Lift Up Our Voices in a Unified Call for Peace”
Senator Barbara Mikulski has released the following statement on the shootings that occurred last night in Dallas, Texas: “I join Maryland and the nation in offering my deepest condolences to the families and loved ones of the officers killed and injured in the line of duty and the civilians caught in the crossfire last night […]
Maryland Governor Larry Hogan Asks Marylanders to Stand with People of Texas
Maryland Governor Larry Hogan has issued a statement about the shootings in Dallas: “This morning, I share in the grief and heartbreak that burdens members of our law enforcement community as well as millions of Americans across the country. Yesterday’s senseless violence and the shocking death of five police officers in Dallas was a tragedy […]
CDC Expanding Outreach to Airline Passengers on Frontier Flight
Passengers on two Frontier Airlines flights between Cleveland and Dallas Fort Worth on Oct. 10 and Oct. 13 are being asking to contact the Centers for Disease Control due to a possible exposure to the Ebola virus. The CDC is now asking those passengers on Frontier Airlines flight 1142 Dallas/Fort Worth to Cleveland on Oct. […]
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