Part of Baltimore Road in Rockville will remain closed for an additional month through November due to construction delays. The closed portion is between Gladstone Drive and Broadwood Drive. Motorists can take Veirs Mill Road to get around the closure. Courtesy City of Rockville Construction for the $7.7 million project started in March of 2021 […]
Elrich Insta al Concejo a Considerar las Consecuencias del Mandato de Vacunación
El ejecutivo del condado, Marc Elrich, dijo el miércoles que espera trabajar con el concejo del condado para llegar a una solución con respecto a un mandato de vacuna COVID-19, propuesto para los empleados del condado, sin poner en peligro las operaciones de seguridad pública, una preocupación compartida por los líderes de seguridad pública. “Hice […]
‘Go Beyond Political Games’: Elrich Urges Council to Consider Public Safety Consequences of Vaccine Mandate
County Executive Marc Elrich on Wednesday said he hopes to work with the county council to come to a solution regarding a proposed COVID-19 vaccine mandate for county employees, without jeopardizing public safety operations – a concern shared by public safety leaders. “I took an oath to protect the health, safety and welfare of the […]
Sindicatos de Seguridad Pública y Agentes de Policía Testifican Contra Mandato de Vacunas
Los representantes del sindicato de seguridad pública del condado de Montgomery y los oficiales de policía testificaron contra un proyecto de ley del concejo que requeriría que todos los empleados del condado estuvieran completamente vacunados contra el COVID-19 o enfrentaran la pérdida de empleo, con exenciones por razones médicas. Primero, el Subdirector Administrativo Dr. Earl […]
Public Safety Unions, Police Officers Testify Against County Vaccine Mandate
Montgomery County public safety union representatives and police officers testified against a council bill that would require all county employees to be fully vaccinated against COVID-19 or face losing employment, with exemptions for medical reasons. First, Assistant Chief Administrative Officer Dr. Earl Stoddard testified on behalf of County Executive Marc Elrich during a virtual council […]
El Condado Volverá a Permitir el Consumo de Alcohol en Algunos Parques Locales
“Picnic en el Parque” pronto regresará a los parques del condado de Montgomery. El director Mike Riley anunció la reanudación. “Me complace decir que vamos a reanudar la asignación de alcohol en el programa Picnic in the Park gracias a una opinión alternativa favorable del fiscal del condado. Daré a conocer detalles específicos sobre los […]
County to Resume Allowing Alcohol in Some Local Parks
“Picnic in the Park” will soon be coming back to Montgomery County Parks. Director Mike Riley announced the resumption. “I am pleased to say that we are going to be resuming the allowance of alcohol in the Picnic in the Park program thanks to a favorable alternate opinion of the county attorney… I will be […]
Refreshed Germantown Library Reopens to the Public
The Germantown Library reopened Saturday after the building was closed for 19 months due to COVID-19 and then a refresh project. All Montgomery County Public Libraries (MCPL) closed operations March 16, 2020 due to the pandemic. Residents could use virtual services and MCPL eventually allowed holds-to-go for contactless pickups. Around May 2021, construction began for […]
Hispanos Tienen el Mayor Número de Casos de Covid-19 en Montgomery
Según la información en las tablas de recuento de casos de Covid-19, que se basa en los datos del Departamento de Salud de Maryland, publicados el 14 de octubre de 2021, los hispanos en el condado de Montgomery tienen el 31.5% de los casos positivos del coronavirus comparado con el 27.5% de los blancos no […]
Health Officials Offer Tips for a Safe Halloween
Montgomery County health officials are offering advice on how to decrease the risks associated with celebrating Halloween, as the COVID-19 pandemic continues. “We want children to enjoy Halloween, but we want to be sure that they are celebrating safely,” said Acting Health Officer Dr. James Bridgers in a statement. “We have to remember that for […]
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