county executive-elect marc elrigh

November 29, 2018 | Michelle Queen

County Exec-elect Marc Elrich Listening Tour Stops in Olney

County Executive-elect Marc Elrich is holding a series of meetings to listen to residents concerns about the county. Elrich will be sworn in as the next County Executive Dec. 3. He is working with his transition team to establish priorities and ensure residents have a voice. To that end, Elrich is holding a series of meetings designed […]

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November 14, 2018 | Michelle Queen

County Exec-elect Marc Elrich to Host Listening Sessions

Marc Elrich will be sworn in as Montgomery County County Executive Monday, Dec. 3. Between now and then Elrich and his team are working hard to establish priorities and ensure residents have a voice in the process. Elrich has established a list of seven priorities for his administration. The priorities reflect the goals Elrich established […]

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