christine handy

October 26, 2021 | Andrea Sarralde

Educadores de MCPS Planean una Manifestación para Exponer los Problemas del Personal

Los educadores de las Escuelas Públicas del Condado de Montgomery (MCPS) “tomarán las calles el martes por la tarde” para exigir la contratación de maestros, ayudantes de maestros y conductores de autobuses adicionales, y una mayor compensación para aquellos que se ven obligados a realizar tareas adicionales debido a la escasez de contrataciones. La Asociación […]

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October 26, 2021 | Suzanne Pollak

MCPS Educators Plan Rally to Expose Understaffing Problems

Educators from Montgomery County Public Schools (MCPS) “will take to the streets Tuesday afternoon” to demand the hiring of additional teachers, paraeducators and bus drivers and increased compensation for those forced to do extra duties due to the hiring shortage. Montgomery County Education Association (MCEA) will hold a car picket and rally at 5 p.m. […]

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April 9, 2020 | Alexandra Macia

Einstein High Community Donates Gift Cards to Families Facing Food Insecurity

Over 100 families at Albert Einstein High School in Kensington have donated $5,750 in gift cards to help families at their school facing food insecurities during the coronavirus crisis. A group of parents, led by Christine Alden, a parent with a sophomore at Einstein, worked together to help organize the donations of 115 $50 food […]

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April 7, 2020 | Deirdre Byrne

Albert Einstein Student Displayed Weapon During Online Class

An Albert Einstein High School student was investigated by police for displaying a weapon during an online class on April 3. The incident was confirmed by Einstein Principal Christine Handy who said in an email to the school community that the student was immediately reported to Montgomery County Police Department and Montgomery County Public Schools […]

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March 23, 2016 | Willie James Inman

Gaithersburg Girl Scout Receives Recognition for Gold Award Project on 22Q (VIDEOS)

Gaithersburg High School senior and Girl Scout Troop 401 member Rachel Coates received recognition for her hard work on a public service announcement about 22q. Coates received a Girl Scout Gold Award for her project in February and presented her video before a crowd of 300 students. MyMCMedia’s Willie James Inman reports. You can watch […]

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September 9, 2015 | Staff Writer

Ingleside at King Farm Launches Certified Nursing Assistant Program (PHOTOS)

Sixteen students from Gaithersburg High School have been selected to participate in a career-launching training program that will provide them with the skills to become certified nursing assistants. The program is sponsored by Ingleside at King Farm, a senior living community in Rockville, and a local foundation created by Dr. William Leahy, a physician who […]

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