Renowned pianist Brian Ganz continues his unprecedented journey through the complete works of Frederic Chopin with “Brian Ganz Plays Chopin: Recollections of Home” at the Music Centre at Strathmore in North Bethesda Saturday night. Ganz will be joined by internationally acclaimed Polish-born mezzo-soprano Magdalena Wor in ten of Chopin’s rarely heard songs. This concert marks […]
Weekend Planner, January 8 – 10 (VIDEOS)
Here are some of our weekend picks from the calendar: Friday, January 8 Donate blood this month and receive a voucher for a pound of Dunkin’ Donuts Coffee in return. The Maryland National Capital Park & Planning Commission blood drive takes place in Derwood from 9 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. The Red Cross encourages […]
Pianist Brian Ganz Promotes his Upcoming Feb. 7 Concert (VIDEO)
Pianist Brian Ganz will be performing Feb. 7 and 8 at the Music Center at Strathmore. MyMCMedia’s Sonya Burke recently interviewed Ganz about his upcoming concerts. Take a look: And, does he get nervous before going on stage? Yes, he described the nervousness as a friend. Take a look: You can find out more about […]
Pianist Brian Ganz Previews His Upcoming Strathmore Concert (VIDEO)
In this MyMCMedia extra video, Pianist Brian Ganz previews his upcoming Feb. 7 Strathmore concert, which highlights his love for Chopin. Take a look: You can find out more about Ganz’s upcoming concert here.
Pianist Brian Ganz and Chopin’s Mazurkas (VIDEO)
In this MyMCMedia extra video, Pianist Brian Ganz explains that a Mazurka is a Polish folk dance. His upcoming Feb. 7 concert at Strathmore features Mazurkas composed by Chopin. Take a look: You can find out more about Ganz’s upcoming concert here. Related:
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