Our reporters finished their stories today! I’m so excited about them too! They did a fantastic job! While they were finishing up their stories, Lindsay was hard a work too. She put together a really nice video of the past two weeks. I can’t believe that we only have one more session to go. Where […]
Editing and Session One Revisited (Video)
It was a rainy start to the day, but that didn’t stop our reporters from coming to class with their footage today! I was very pleased at the amount of work they accomplished. Today’s class focused on learning Final Cut Pro, so our reporters can edit their stories. They caught on very quickly and started […]
Our Interns Hard At Work
Our reporters are hitting the streets today working on their stories, but that doesn’t mean that Backpack Journalism is taking a break today. In fact, our interns (Lindsay, David and Grant) are working hard on a piece that reviews our first Backpack Journalism session. It will get posted as soon as they get it done. […]
Interviews, Bloggies & Scavenger Hunt
We have some great stories coming from this class! Today we practiced interviewing each other and the types of questions to ask for our stories. Role playing celebrities and historical figures always makes for a fun time. Once our reporters had their questions and ideas down, we moved on to camera composition and learned how […]
New Session,Camp Gan Izzy & The Gnome
I am happy to report that we had two of our reporters braved the aftermath of the storm for today’s Backpack Journalism Academy! What a crazy weekend, no power, horrible cell phone reception and I think MCM’s Gnome is a back. (More on that later) We had a great class today. Our new reporters seem […]
Great First Session
BREAKING NEWS: No “missing muffins” or gnome sightings today In other news, all of our Backpack Journalists finished their stories!!!!! What an accomplishment! They are really well done and I think you will definitely enjoy watching them. Our reporters spent a lot of time working on them and it definitely paid off! If this first […]
Stories, Birthdays, Muffins and More!
And we have some completed news stories! What an exciting day! Accomplishment was the feeling throughout the edit suites today as our reporters finished up their projects. Some were fully completed and the others have just a few minor touches to do. Spirits were at an all time high today. Not only were stories getting […]
Lesson Learned – SAVE OFTEN
The lesson learned today, was ALWAYS SAVE your work and SAVE OFTEN! Unfortunately it was a lesson learned the hard way. I guess you can say it was an eventful day! We had MCM’s edit suites full with bright-eyed reporters ready to put their stories together. The timelines on Final Cut Pro were filling up […]
Let’s Edit!
First day of the second week and what a day it was! We began our editing adventure today by converting the files from the Bloggies to be compatible with Final Cut Pro. Once that was started, we jumped, head first into the world of Final Cut Pro. Editing is always fun, but frustrating at the […]
Around The Building With The Bloggie
That’s the name of our Scavenger Hunt and I couldn’t have asked for a better day! After some practice interviews at the beginning of class, our future Backpack Journalists learned how to use the Sony Bloggie HD camera. Once they got that down, they headed outside for an adventure, the Scavenger Hunt! I had fun […]
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