It’s been one year this month since Sarah and Jacob Hoggle disappeared from their Clarksburg home on Sept. 7th and Sept. 8th. Their father, Troy Turner, said he doesn’t sleep much and when he does his dreams are often haunting. You can find more information about the missing Hoggle children on their family’s Facebook page, […]
Ike Leggett Does His Civic Duty
UPDATED JULY 21 Folks waiting to be called for jury may have been surprised to see County Executive Ike Leggett among the group. Like all Montgomery County residents who are licensed drivers and/or registered voters, Leggett was at the Montgomery County Circuit Courthouse doing his civic duty. He was eventually called into a courtroom for the first round of jury selection late […]
Silver Spring Group To Host “Take Your Kids to the Park… And Let Them Walk Home by Themselves” Day
A Silver Spring free-range parenting advocacy group is organizing a Day in the Park event where parents can take their children to the park and let them walk home by themselves. The initiative is part of a national celebration in honor of the Meitiv family- Silver Spring parents Danielle and Alexander Meitiv who made headlines across the […]
Meitivs Vow to Fight, Statement Released Today
Montgomery County residents Danielle and Alexander Meitiv say they will fight what they describe as the “unlawful seizure” of their two children on Sunday afternoon in Silver Spring. The parents who have made national headlines for their free range parenting style have released the following statement from their attorney, on Danielle’s Facebook page today: “On […]
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