The Kalimah Arabic After School program began last year under the direction of Layali Eshqaidef and the program has grown to include two different schools in Montgomery County. In this video, MyMCMedia’s Willie James Inman talks with Eshqaidef, students, and parents about the after school program. To find out more, visit the Kalimah After School Program […]
MCPS Publishes a Guideline On Respecting Religious Diversity
Montgomery County Public Schools has published for the first time a set of guidelines on respecting religious diversity. The document, which touches upon absences, clothing, food, and extracurricular activities, was developed in partnership with the Montgomery County Executive’s Faith Community Working Group. “It provides information regarding religious practices and providing accommodation to students,” said Montgomery […]
Baha’i Faith Community Celebrates Ridvan in Montgomery County
It’s the season of prayer, music and celebration for the local Baha’i faith community as they honor the holiest days of their year during the Festival of Ridvan. Ridvan, which means paradise in both Arabic and Persian, is a period of 12 days that mark the holiest days of the Baha’i year. On the first, ninth […]
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