ann lewis

January 26, 2015 | Aline Barros

Gutierrez on Hogan’s Budget Proposal: “I’m Very Disappointed” (VIDEO)

In this MyMCMedia Extra, Maryland State Delegate Ana Sol Gutierrez of District 18 said she is “very disappointed” about Maryland Governor Larry Hogan’s budget proposal. “He is harming education in Montgomery County,” said Gutierrez. Take a look:

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January 25, 2015 | Aline Barros

Hundreds Attend Women’s Legislative Briefing (VIDEO)

The Montgomery County Commission for Women hosted the 35th Women’s Legislative Briefing on Jan. 25 at The Universities at Shady Grove in Rockville. Hundreds of women attended the all day event where a variety of issues were discussed. Among the topics equal pay, domestic violence, paid sick leave, human trafficking, encouraging woman to run for […]

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November 12, 2014 | Sonya Burke

County Delegation on its Way to India (PHOTO)

Montgomery County Executive Ike Leggett is hoping to broaden Montgomery County’s reach in biotech and other high-tech areas as he leads a delegation of two dozen County businessmen and businesswomen to India this month. Among those joining Leggett are Maryland State Delegate Aruna Miller, Montgomery County Councilmember Nancy Floreen, Montgomery College President Dr. DeRionne P. […]

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