Adventure Theatre puede estar cerrado debido a la emergencia de salud pública del coronavirus, pero eso no les impedirá proporcionar teatro para niños. El teatro planea transmitir en vivo una presentación digital del guión, “On The Wings of A Mariposa”, de Alvaro Saar Rios, el domingo 29 de marzo a las 2 p.m. La obra […]
Alvaro Saar Rios
Adventure Theatre Previews ‘On The Wings of A Mariposa’ Sunday Via Facebook Live
Adventure Theatre may be closed due to the coronavirus public health emergency, but that won’t stop them from providing children’s theatre. The theatre plans to live stream a digital presentation of the script, On The Wings of A Mariposa by Alvaro Saar Rios, Sunday, March 29 at 2 p.m. Directed by Elena Velasco, this presentation […]
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