The Maryland U.S. Attorney’s Office and the FBI issued a statement Tuesday warning Maryland voters about election misinformation. The U.S. Justice Department’s Public Integrity Section and the FBI have started a National Voter Disinformation Initiative to combat voter suppression schemes. “The right to vote is one of the most important rights exercised by Americans,” said U.S. […]
Local Leaders Slam Hogan for Rejecting Universal Mail-In-Ballots in November
Gov. Larry Hogan announced in a statement Wednesday that he’s directed the State Board of Elections to conduct normal, in person voting—as well as early voting—for the presidential election on November 3, “with enhanced voting options in light of the #COVID19 pandemic.” In a letter to State Board of Elections Chairman Michael Cogan, Hogan said, […]
Council President Craig Rice on Budget: ‘A Great Starting Point’ (Video)
In this MyMCMedia extra, Montgomery County Council President Craig Rice gives us his thoughts on County Executive Isiah Leggett’s recommended FY 2015 operating budget. Take a look: After the budget press conference, Rice released the following statement: “Putting the annual operating budget together is always a large and demanding task. The hard work by the […]
Absentee Voting in Montgomery County
The deadline for receipt of an absentee ballot application for the November 6 Presidential General Election is Tuesday, October 30. Written requests must reach the elections office by 8:00 p.m. or, if already registered, may be faxed to 240-777-8560 or e-mailed to no later than 11:59 p.m. The absentee ballot application may be found […]
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