Summer Concerts May Return to Kentlands Market Square

Summer concerts just may be back in Kentlands Square this summer.Star Diner 450x280

According to Robert Auxier with Blittzed! Media, Market Square Live is expected on city space in Market Square this summer with a line-up of summer entertainment.

“There’s a tentative schedule,” Auxier told MyMCMedia Thursday. Auxier said Beatty Management has hired his Kentlands public relations firm to promote the Kentlands Square properties and plan events for the site. According to Arts and Events Division Chief Denise Kayser, Auxier has not yet applied for special events permits for the space owned by the city but he is expected to do so next week. Kayser said the city has waived the city’s rental fee for the space when concerts were held there before because they qualify as community events.

Auixer said the company is just “days away” from an announcement of “something happening” at the space previously occupied by the Star Diner at 705 Center Point Way. A Beatty official had told MyMCMedia that Eggspectation of Canada was leasing the diner. Auxier said Thursday that deal is no longer happening.

“Something absolutely is coming there,” Auxier said, adding that a lease has not yet been signed.

The summer concerts stopped when Star Diner closed. The concert series were planned and promoted by then owners of that restaurant. Auxier said having that space occupied will be key to having the concerts return.

“When that diner closed it stuck out like a sore thumb. But, things are changing in the works that will be positive for the Kentlands,” Auixer said.

Meanwhile, another Beatty tenant has left Kentlands Market Square. Healthy Back at 640 Center Point Way recently closed. According to the Beatty website, the company has nearly 50,000 square feet are available for lease at Kentlands Market Square. The company has a total of more than 250,000 square feet in the shopping center.

“Beatty is actively trying to select good quality tenants with leases that will stick,” Auixer said.

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Krista Brick

About Krista Brick

Krista Brick is a multi-media journalist with Montgomery Community Media.


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